Best Golf Swing to Fix a Slice

In this post we take a closer look at the best golf swing to help fix a slice – and that all-important swing path. We’ve also got some amazing drills to help you get rid of your slice for good. Let’s go.

Creating your ideal swing path

Swing path can be one of the most difficult things in golf to conquer. Here are some simple steps to understand the ideal swing path, what happens with your slice swing path and what we need to do to correct it. 

A slice swing path almost 100% of the time comes from a movement at the top of our back swing. The movement from the top shifts away from our bodies, getting us closer to an impact position with our club face on the outside of the ball rather than coming back square. 

Best swing to hit a straight golf shot

To correct this, we need to start moving on an inside path using that perfect grip, set up and square club face to get us there.  

Using over-correction to create change

In an ideal world our swing path will move straight back straight through. Over correcting a swing thought is proven to be one of the most successful ways to get us back to the correct position. 

With or without a club get yourself up into the top of the backswing position for me. As we start to move into your down swing, I want you to move down slowly keeping your arms and hands much closer to your body. Your next thought is to feel and push your body weight into the heels of your feet rather than your body weight pushing into your toes. This correction will help you move on an inside swing path. 

Correct posture and body weight position to hit a straight golf shot

Now let’s add a DRILL here to help you practice this new feeling. We are going to use one of the most effective drills I have worked with to correct an over the top swing path. 

Set up as if you are about to hit your golf shot with your new and improved set up square through to target. We are now going to adjust that set up for DRILL purposes only move your front foot (this is left foot for right handers). 

Shuffle your foot forward so that your heel is now where your toes where. I want you to do the opposite with you back foot move your toes to where your heel was so moving away from the ball. 

Correct swing path drill

I want you to notice how we have created the space to move on an inside swing path automatically from the top of our downswing because it’s almost impossible to shift away from your body resulting with previous outside swing path. This is more of a closed set up to target which is a positive change from what we learnt about a previous open set up. 

If you go to the top of your backswing and stop you can also notice how much easier it is to drop weight into your heels (and almost impossible to move weight into your toes). 

Keep practising this new swing path using this drill and focus on staying closer to the body, weight pushing back into the heels next time you play or practise. Let me know how it goes!

Coming up next:

Now you know the perfect swing path to avoid a slice, let’s move on to step 3: club face.